164. Planning a trip
/Today you’ll learn (and tomorrow you’ll tell your friends about) the shocking new news about dental hygiene, and you’ll never believe what we tell you about sitzpinklers! Remember, you heard it here first. As an antidote to that graphic conversation, KJ steers us into uncharted waters as he reveals to us his recent learning and future plans around Golden Teacher mushrooms. We get to share some fun listener mail, too, and along the way we hear about the perfect sandwich, an exploding gas station, and RJ’s homage to Mutual of Omaha as he tells us the latest news from the Robin Cam he set up under his deck. There are things to learn and things to dream of here, so close your eyes, centre your chi, and journey with us.
Links: Polestar; tooth brushing surprise; Golden Teacher therapy session; Merry Pranksters; MDMA for PTSD Treatment: Phase 3 Clinical Trial Results; Henry Youngman’s 128 Greatest Jokes; Bob Newhart on Johnny Carson; Comox gas station fire; whiskey stones.
Theme music is Escaping like Indiana Jones by Komiku, by permission.