163. Dogsmacked
/Love, derision, amusement, anger, wonder, curiosity, satisfaction and many other emotions accompany a tour of snappers (with bonus words from Brett K. and RJ), medical news on Alzheimer’s and tooth brushing, robins nesting under RJ’s deck, and KJ’s fascinating recent stint in Ottawa. We get some positive news on Sun Life, which is PJ’s new friend with benefits, and tips, too, on how to decide which health facility to attend when your next Big Moment arises. There’s a lot here to take in, so if you’ve had a balanced breakfast after a good sleep, you’ll get a lot out of what was a really fun episode for us!
Links: Stye; Metro Vancouver ER wait times; Nahre Sol’s video on Erik Satie; Paul Gross is Lear; the National Gallery of Canada.
Theme music is Escaping like Indiana Jones by Komiku, by permission.