133. Little Red Warrior: Dark Fate
/In this riveting episode we discuss KJ’s work on the stage comedy Little Red Warrior and His Lawyer, now playing to live audiences in Vancouver. And an excellent show it is! We also provide perhaps our most enthusiastically harsh movie review ever, in addition to reviewing a lot of very terrific Listener Mail. On top of even all that goodness, we have another instalment of the crowd-pleasing “KJ’s Snappers” to entice and inform listeners worldwide! The Doginators give the thumbs up and middle finger in the same episode: it's a Hobson's choice. So put on your sunglasses and dive in… we are back!
Doginator: Dark Fate meets the Little Red Warrior
Links: The Fraser Canyon War; Little Red Warrior and His Lawyer, and review of the same; Nlaka'pamux First Nation; the Delgamuukw Case; Nemiah: The Unconquered Country; Hobson’s choice; Thomas Hobbes; Leviathan by Hobbes; Calvin and Hobbes; John Calvin; out of the rabbit hole and onto the lawn: the Squirrel and the Bird Feeder (thanks Sandra); contraband cigarettes; TCM Podcast: The Plot Thickens (Lucille Ball is season three, thanks Leigh); Terminator Dark Fate: wikipedia, trailer.