132. Shed Rats
/When you were young you played Snakes and Ladders, right? Well, this episode isn’t that. Here we get gritty insights from KJ and RJ on solving rat problems, and have to recover with the palate-cleansing pleasure of reading Listener Mail. Maybe it was all that talk about nasty smelly rodents that led us to it, but we end up talking about the movie “Terminator: Dark Fate” (spoiler alert: just say no) and what makes actors do bad movies. There are no real shockers here, but a lot of good mostly clean fun, so sit down, face off, and listen up!
Note: RJ says a couple of times that Beeple’s NFT sold for $600,000. It was actually $69 million. He was off by a bit.
Bless their little hearts
Links: Roof rats; a better rat trap; Face/Off critical response (Wikipedia); Princess Bride; No more rhymes!; first impressions of Web3 (cryptography expert on current challenges with NFTs).
Theme music by Voodoo Jazz!