130. 100% All Natural!
/When Kirkland Body Wash is labeled 100% All Natural, think twice. When we tell you we are 100% all natural, take it to the bank. It won’t be worth much to all the newly created billionaires out there, maybe, but to you? Solid gold. In this episode, speaking of the nouveau riche, we discover what the Internet thinks KJ is worth, we hear about a CBC gig he has coming that should increase that yet more, we learn that Chromer of Duncan is very pleased with his new dentures but that KJ is unmoved by beautification efforts involving surgery. Pity. It’s a lemon-scented potpourri of opinion and information, and we invite you to just breathe it allllll in. Now, with jojoba!
Links: An unauthorized biography; Costco Body Wash; not your grandpa’s dentures; plastic surgery addiction.
Theme music by Voodoo Jazz!