129. Crackpots roasting
/Whether this reaches you before, during, or after December 25, and whether you celebrate it or not, the Shed Dogs wish you and yours a very merry Christmas with the promise of a great New Year to come! In this episode RJ pulls back the curtain on the surprisingly opulent lifestyles of certain foosball players, while KJ lets us in on the real highlights of going to a Canucks game. PJ drops some left-handed compliments and we promote some twitter accounts. We even manage to work in some more beloved Listener Mail, so have a listen while the video fire crackles on the screen, and slide right into the season with us.
Some edits may confound, but, hey, it’s waves from the shore baby.
A disaster ensues
Links: Opening video for Canucks home games this year; a brief video illustrating why you shouldn’t ride a bicycle over a longitudinal board bridge; are left-handers smarter?; penthouse apartments; follow on Twitter: Bowinn Ma, Lori Idlout, and Tyler Olsen.
Theme music by Voodoo Jazz!