115. Capturing reminiscence

115. Capturing reminiscence

Normally when we say “greatest idea ever” it’s an ironic setup to a laugh at a silly idea. NOT THIS TIME. KJ has suggested something genuinely exciting, seriously, and here it is: If there’s someone you know whose life story or reminiscences you’d love to capture, we can help. We thought mainly of elderly parents or relatives, but who knows? We’d do a video or audio interview, do a basic edit, and then send it to you. We wouldn’t publish it as an episode unless that was something you (and the subject) wanted. Listen to the episode for more about how we imagine this working. Also listen for great listener mail , RJ’s psychic skepticism, and a rousing walkthrough of “9 to 5”, which none of the Dogs have seen. And get in touch if you would like us to talk to a loved one about their lives.

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114. Leigh goes to the Oscars

114. Leigh goes to the Oscars

Friend of the show (and Chief Fact Checker) Leigh of Courtenay joins the Dogs this episode as we take a tour through a truly different Oscars show, provide deep coverage on the difference between pots and pans, and revisit The Crown. Fortified by our success with those topics, we move on to looking at just what are Non Fungible Tokens, and then pretend we understand crypto currencies like BitCoin and Dogecoin. Finally, as a palate cleansing delight, we deal with joy, outrage, and comedy as we go through some terrific listener mail. Real and surreal content is here in a dizzying mix of edification and confusion, so take a pre-emptive Advil and have a listen! Don’t ever funge, man.

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113. Shauna Sylvester

113. Shauna Sylvester

Most widely known for her 2018 run at becoming Mayor of Vancouver, KJ’s family friend Shauna Sylvester is an award-winning thinker and social analyst. She shares with us her inspiring and insightful thoughts on poverty, the housing crisis, what leadership is and is not, which local leaders are making a difference, and much more. If you’ve ever wanted to clarify your thoughts on what kind of leaders you want or the kinds of things we can do to improve our collective lot, this is your episode. Take some time with it. Watch the video. Talk to your friends and loved ones. It’s worth it.

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112. Dog Potatoes

112. Dog Potatoes

As you listen to our dynamic and energy packed episodes, it’s easy to assume we are always on the go, never sitting down, constantly pursuing information and entertainment. Here in Episode 112, we reveal our more relaxed side, and share what we’re enjoying on Netflix and YouTube, how to locate programs you’ve heard about, theories on what makes a great action movie, and more. We also get to read great listener feedback on recent episodes. So take a load off, maybe get a favourite beverage, and take a moment to hear what your fellow Doggites are thinking and pick up viewing tips into the bargain!

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111. Ouija Dogs

111. Ouija Dogs

In a time traveling episode spanning a full month, the Dogs of the (virtual) Shed go over a lot of thoughtful and entertaining listener mail, ask for help with inventing new words and playing solitaire, and worry about the stab-in-the-back myth. Things are looking up! In the Spring an old dog's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of vaccination—fancy passing a little time waiting with us? Red jack on the black queen!

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110. Soundboarding off

110. Soundboarding off

Honestly, we started out talking about serious stuff like how we’d rule our private islands and what’s been going on with the stock market lately. We talked about finding old letters we sent and received back in the dawn of our time, and how they’re a cool look back into who we were, or maybe still are. It was all going so well, and then somehow we drifted into...pickup trucks and imploding pianos. Now our lives are upside down. Have a listen, but be warned: it could be life changing.

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109. Dogs with the Wind

109. Dogs with the Wind

We received great responses on the episode with MP Mumilaaq Qaqqaq, so we share them here, along with a first exposure for KJ and RJ to “Gone With the Wind”, a tip on how to be notified about email ID theft, and our thoughts on Twitter bans and those pesky half-awake dreams. Nothing here should disturb your days or nights, so tune in and listen on, Garth. Back in the day, toasters could fly!

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108. Mumilaaq Qaqqaq

108. Mumilaaq Qaqqaq

This very special episode features a conversation with Mumilaaq Qaqqaq, the NDP MP for Nunavut. We touch on a wide range of issues and topics focused on life in the territory, its differences, challenges, problems, and joys. Listen to this committed, people-focused parliamentarian talk about her work, her constituents, and her colleagues and leader in the NDP, as well as some of the ups and downs involved in representing Nunavut and being a young female indigenous MP. It’s food for thought and a call to action. We hope you enjoy special theme music by permission from Nunavut-born songwriter Becky Han, as well. Come along for the commute without leaving your chair!

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107. Dog puddles

107. Dog puddles

It’s more of the arts this week, as KJ chats about his recent online performance in the National Arts Council’s “The Little Red Warrior and His Lawyer”, and we provide our review of “Nate - a One Man Show” on Netflix. After loading up on all that culture we get the pleasure of reading a ton of Listener Mail (always a favourite activity in the Shed), difficult vaccination choices for RJ, and a smattering of reminiscences. You can’t get 193 years of life in one room without some reminiscences, let’s face it. So come along, enjoy our new Voodoo Jazz podcast music, and have a few laughs!

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106. Jesse of Montreal, pt. 2

106. Jesse of Montreal, pt. 2

Jesse of Montreal completes his visit with the Dogs, discussing how one learns French on the fly, neighbourhood notoriety, and how to engage with believers of all sorts. Naturally we propose solutions for the political problems of the day, and have a bunch of fun receiving and discussing podcast production and content advice from a pro like Jesse. As a bonus we hear a couple of clips from his band Voodoo Jazz, learn who’s behind those classic mid-2000s Canadian Tire Guy ads (spoiler: Jesse), and confirm that the tales of playing cruise ships and jazz venues are true! Long live the Pragmatic Party! Long live the Hockey Party!

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105. Jesse of Montreal, pt. 1

105. Jesse of Montreal, pt. 1

The Shed Dogs hold forth with special guest Jesse of Montreal in this first of two fun-filled episodes! This week we cover Jesse’s Karen missive, career non-planning, how to stage a zoom session, life on the campaign trail with Jack Layton, and what life as a cruise ship musician is really like (along with heavy colonialism with respect to some of the other jobs on the ship). Now we know all about those big freezers on board. Ship him to Greece and party on Winifred!

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104. We give you... The Shower Toilet™

104. We give you... The Shower Toilet™

It’s tough to adequately express the relief of leaving 2020 behind and heading into a New Year, but be assured your Shed Dogs are very happy to be giving it a try. We have some fun with PJ’s latest sure-fire money making ideas, offer some solid gold movie and actor recommendations, discuss a modern day Jonah, hear how much KJ is enjoying “Glee”, but what we really do, and bring you along to do, is open our arms wide to welcome 2021! At the same time, we apologize in advance for leaving you verklempt.

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103. A Shed Dogs Christmas

103. A Shed Dogs Christmas

In their first ever Christmas Special episode, the Dogs get festive! In the video you can see the costumes and decorations and in the podcast you can feel the warmth as we read listener mail, reflect on a very COVID Christmas, and pick up a couple of fun facts about fake trees. In this episode too, real dogs bark, and the Dogs simply remember their favourite things and then they don’t feel so bad. The Dogs’ dogs are also called out by their mildly disapproving handlers; they clearly don’t know that Christmas in 2020 isn’t the same as all the others. Lucky them.

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102. thissheddogdoesnotexist.com

102. thissheddogdoesnotexist.com

This episode finds your Shed Dogs grappling with unsettlingly convincing images of human faces that are pure fiction. We are so thrown by the implications that we consider life-affirming work as wedding officiants. Would that make us officious? More reassuringly, we’re able to hear about KJ’s first shoots on his new job and also offer a PSA on how to use subtitles (good) and overdubbing (not good) while enjoying foreign content. RJ tips us to a useful home handy person tool! It’s an existential crisis!

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101. The Dogs' Gambit

101. The Dogs' Gambit

As we recover from the glorious high that was our 100th episode, the Shed Dogs in Episode 101 indulge in a deep stack of fine listener mail on topics such as The Hat, consideration for Karens, social introversion, A19, house prices, condiments, and why the pandemic is the best time to get married. We also take a close look at, and smell of, some ancient Chinese medicine, and of course that conversation made no sense without a discussion of the music player used for PJ’s plaza dancing. RJ then executes an absolutely world-class segue to allow us to review “The Queen’s Gambit” from Netflix. It’s a cerebral yet satisfying, deep but shallow, and appetizing yet revolting tour de farce with the Dogs!

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100. The Dogs' climactic lift!

100. The Dogs' climactic lift!

The long-awaited milestone arrives, and we celebrate 100 episodes of Dogfoolery by indulging in more. In this soon-to-be classic episode we walk through the plot of Dirty Dancing for PJ’s benefit, we discuss our latest adventures in entertainment, and we hear RJ asking to see the manager at a Home Depot. We look at how wonderful Facebook Marketplace is, at PJ’s ongoing Plaza Dancing adventures, and we reminisce with KJ about Stu’s Ball Hall in the old home town. We laugh a little (okay, a lot), we cry a little (no we don’t), and we learn a couple of things (true!). Come along with us to Kellerman’s Resort for the laughs, and stay for the tips!

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99. The Time Warp again

99. The Time Warp again

In Episode 99, our listeners will hear the Shed Dogs predict the outcome of the BC provincial election from way back on Oct. 5—how did we do? We also get to hear about KJ’s new Lorne Michaels gig, about why bad movies get made anyway, and about PJ’s appetite to bring Western dance to his plaza group. It’s a topsy turvy past and present time trip that’ll challenge your temporal skills but not your patience!

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98. Dogland Jr. Warriors

98. Dogland Jr. Warriors

Faithful listener Garry of Nelson (he sent us underwear—that’s faithful!) sends us a clip from the old Rossland Miner that leads to discourse on curling, on the old local team name and possibly unwoke logo, on Harry Pepper, and on hockey road trips in the old days. We look through the deadliest jobs in the US (NB: podcaster didn’t make the Top 10), anachronistically touch on plaza dancing, and end up talking a bit of politics. That said, the treat is RJ’s encounter with a rock star while at the dog park, of all places! Sign up and lock in!

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