104. We give you... The Shower Toilet™
/It’s tough to adequately express the relief of leaving 2020 behind and heading into a New Year, but be assured your Shed Dogs are very happy to be giving it a try. We have some fun with PJ’s latest sure-fire money making ideas, offer some solid gold movie and actor recommendations, discuss a modern day Jonah, hear how much KJ is enjoying “Glee”, but what we really do, and bring you along to do, is open our arms wide to welcome 2021! At the same time, we apologize in advance for leaving you verklempt.
Re RJ’s PSA on switching phone providers: be sure you’re not in a contract with your current provider before switching. Also, avoid contracts, as they always seem to save you money but almost never do.
Links: This episode on YouTube; a toilet in the shower stall; switching phone providers; fixing treasured hair looms; The Crown Season One; Ted Lasso; Glee; Right Now, Wrong Then; Dogville; Spy; swallowed by a whale!; The Sit-In (Belafonte); Auld Lang Syne (performed by Dougie Maclean); Auld Lang Syne (performed by Guy Lombardo and His Royal Canadians).