106. Jesse of Montreal, pt. 2

Jesse of Montreal completes his visit with the Dogs, discussing how one learns French on the fly, neighbourhood notoriety, and how to engage with believers of all sorts. Naturally we propose solutions for the political problems of the day, and have a bunch of fun receiving and discussing podcast production and content advice from a pro like Jesse. As a bonus we hear a couple of clips from his band Voodoo Jazz, learn who’s behind those classic mid-2000s Canadian Tire Guy ads (spoiler: Jesse), and confirm that the tales of playing cruise ships and jazz venues are true! Long live the Pragmatic Party! Long live the Hockey Party!

Winter jackets not required

Links: Voodoo Jazz—Dig!; Canadian Tire ads Jesse was involved with (mid-2000s)—stubby gear wrench, (potentially exploding) rotary tool, compressor system (filmed in winter), motor oil (filmed in summer); raw Roller Derby footage from Jesse and partner’s first attempt at a film (that’s probably Jesse at 0:08 holding the camera and filming the team captain).

You can also watch this episode on YouTube. However, the audio version is tighter and includes some great clips from Voodoo Jazz. The YouTube version does include the actual Canadian Tire ads as they are discussed, but we’ve provided links to them above anyway. Hey consume them both if you can never get too much!