195. Saskatchiceland
/We were so focused on our material in this episode that we were apparently taken by surprise that we are marking seven years of, ummm, Shed stuff. This episode is largely listener mail, which we always enjoy, in which we had to revisit old, old wounds from high school days, discuss health and medical care as people our age do, and marvel at the concept of digital dentures (which sounds a lot more fun and exciting than it actually is). So we’ve all penciled in entries on our paper calendars to remember to make a way bigger deal of it when we record our epic 200th episode. But until that shows up, feel free to enjoy this one!
Despite their origin, The Icelanders of Wynyard were not chill
Links: Digital dentures; Scrap Arts Music; rotator cuff; Tripadvisor; Rick Steves; Dakotas Fanning and Johnson; dogs selling perfume; brain fog; Wynyard, Sask; washing machine sensors; getting the stink out of exercise gear; types of heat pumps per the BC government; natural gas.
Theme music is Escaping like Indiana Jones by Komiku, with permission.