185. Participation counts
/There are probably caves in France where Stone Age artists depicted the tribe’s appreciation for those who didn’t lead the hunt or strike the final blow, but who showed up and helped out. In this episode we reiterate that some things have not changed as much as old haters might think, and that just showing up was rewarded back in the ’60s as well as it is today. We also unveil wondrous new software for creating music, a little PSA about glasses, a ton of Snappers, and an amazing robotic foosball table, not yet available in Canadian Tire, but amazing all the same. We invite you to listen in… and participate!
You get a gun! You get a gun! You get a gun! everybody gets a gun!
Links: The monkey puzzle tree; Costco Optical; participation trophies; the 2024 Tornado World Series Foosball Championships; cap guns; the amazing foosball robot; udio.com (the AI music generation site—create an account so you don't lose whatever you come up with).
Theme music is Escaping like Indiana Jones by Komiku, by permission.