181. A dog's back alley
/As we go through our days, we do some things well, some badly, some by dint of noble effort and some by chance. And some things we do just work, for no reason we can name. KJ tells us a story of a thing that just worked when dealing with earnest visitors. No one was hurt or offended, but we were very amused as well as forearmed should we receive these same visitors. We also got to do Snappers and discuss another sure fire blockbuster money maker, and RJ was able to give us an overview of how to navigate city bureaucracy and neighbourhood tensions at the same time. There’s some first class adulting paired with the usual hefty glass of foolishness here, so sit down and dig in!
Toque, RJ’s Granddog, out in the back alley with his faithful friend
Links: Koi cafes in Vietnam; 15 Ways to Get Someone Out of Your Head; the Jehovah's Witnesses view on what Jesus looked like.
Theme music is Escaping like Indiana Jones by Komiku, with permission.
PJ’s (and others’) dance outfits