190. Apocalyptic Santa Dogs
/Happy Holidays to you and everyone you care about, from us to you! We hope the new year is way better than we expected or hoped. Episode 190 sees us pursuing our normal interests: wasting another golden yet ridiculous money maker idea from PJ, enduring his pontifications about the state of the world, hearing actual valuable advice and concert reviews from RJ, and diving into Listener Mail. But then… what to our wondering ears should appear but KJ responding to Leigh’s remarks about something we said about religion several episodes back. All of a sudden we have a casual yet plausible conversation around whether history indicates that the apostle Paul, writer of letters and founding architect of modern Christianity, was in fact a Roman plant! What…!? So anyway, get ready for that and let us know what you think, we are curious!
Submitted for your approval: The Dogs in an upside-down world
Links: Shed Dogs; Preparing for the Trump apocalypse; the Lambo SUV; concert review of Robert Plant & Alison Krauss; dealing with paper in the laundry; the Vancouver Catfé; the JWs weigh in on Jesus's appearance; the Holy Ghost; Paul the Apostle; Masterclass on violin vs. fiddle; the Book of Mormon; party lines; a Reddit thread on shocking kids; Dr. Geoff Lindsey on pronunciation; an article on businesses not accepting cash in Canada.
Theme music is Escaping like Indiana Jones by Komiku, by permission.