188. Dogs (Re)unite!
/The Shed Dogs finally talk about our very great, hugely enjoyable 50th high school grad reunion: what we thought, what we noticed, and how well we enjoyed it. Spoiler alert: it was just great. KJ then floors us by announcing that he’s nominated for not one but two Leo awards (BC Film and TV industry awards). Realizing again that we are in the presence of acting greatness leads us to talking about what we are watching these days, and “Ripley” on Netflix comes in for some very warm acclaim indeed. Of course we mix in our usual bits of super valuable advice on how to live your lives, and finish by bidding farewell to the AM 730 traffic station, which left without saying goodbye. We look to you, listeners, to help fill the void they left. Okay, done, and thanks.
Dogs selling perfume
Links: Shed Dogs; Leo Awards; Ripley (TV show); Extraordinary Attorney Woo; Roy Hennessy reminiscences of CKLG.
Theme music is Escaping like Indiana Jones by Komiku, with permission.