175. Under the Dog Walk
/Okay, we were maybe a little caught up in our lives, Christmas, work, and families…we were getting behind both in new episodes and in revelling in email about episodes we did publish. We cover a lot of ground in this episode, from special precious knowledge about how to stop a pit bull attack, to how great Taylor Swift is, to theories on why Christmas decorations are up earlier every year, and to the happy sound of the carousel you can hear from the park. But really…we spend about half the episode enjoying reading your responses to past episodes, and to discussing those responses. You can hear it all right there in our voices, so have a listen to us enjoying you enjoying us.
Dogs under the boardwalk
Links: Under the Boardwalk: Tom Tom Club version, Drifters version (the original); the timing of Christmas decorations; as of December, 2023, that right wing party in the Netherlands has been unable to form a coalition; “Jenny Jennifer”, a shill for a hotel linen company, holds forth on brown hotel blankets on Quora; the Taylor Swift Eras Tour movie trailer; spoiling the Taylor Swift dive magic; glacial erratics (and yes, they can be as small as a pebble!); Aldergrove Regional Park (this short video gives a good tour of an awesome park)..
Photo of the underside of a pier is by Roman Wimmers on Unsplash.