166. The portrait-fication of Cap'n Bob
/Rob of Saskatoon returns to join us on a gripping journey through RJ’s recent confrontation with his citizenship, and let’s face it, himself. We manage to make a couple of complete meals out of just the titles involved in that process before moving on to other things like what it was like for Rob and RJ and Mike of Rossland to come to Canada as Young Americans around 1970 (hint: discard the notion of Canada’s warm regard for our southern cousins), the results of KJ’s recent foray into expanding his consciousness even further, the Robson Zoo, and a hearty round of agreement on what a fine fellow Chroner of Duncan is (hear his visit with us in Episode 52). It’s a lot of good clean fun with four old good friends—join us!
Cap’n Bob ponders the Assumption
Links: The Robson Zoo; portrait mode; the Ascension of Jesus; the Assumption of Mary; the Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary; enunciation; Asunción (the capital of Paraguay, originally called Nuestra Señora Santa María de la Asunción (Our Lady Saint Mary of the Assumption); Sucre (the capital of Bolivia, named after Antonio José de Sucre and never confused with Asunción); besmirched; the Second Council of Constantinople, in which anathemas were declared against those who rejected the Perpetual Virginity of Mary; Asuncion (girl’s name); the Gospel of Mary; the Lost Gospel (in which Jesus marries Mary Magdalene); renunciation of citizenship; Shed Dogs episode 52, featuring Chroner and Deb.
Theme music is Escaping like Indiana Jones by Komiku, with permission.