171. Paint me a river
/Podcasts are a lot like a stroll in the woods: one minute you’re wandering along soaking up the silence and sun, flowers and trees, and the next minute you’ve missed a step and find yourself worried about survival. In this episode, just like in the real world, we are going along enjoying Listener Mail after complaining about health care (as is our wont) when suddenly an idle reference to current politics leads us into the murky and dangerous waters of discussing racism. Walk with us here to see how we fare—you’ll be able to feel us concentrating. After we emerge from that swamp, we wash off in the cool clear waters of a conversation about PJ’s (as of this recording) upcoming trip to Portugal and KJ’s remarkable journey as an artist. All’s well that ends, they say, don’t they? Keep those feet moving!
Scroll down for an awesome video of KJ Bob Rossing it up!
What does it mean to you?
Links: Urgent and Primary Care Centres; getting on a GP wait list; NASA worldwide fire map (zooming shows that the large orange parts are a series of smaller fires); BC’s fire and smoke forecast map courtesy of friend of the show Bowinn Ma (Minister of Emergency Management and Climate Readiness); Vivek Ramaswamy; an attempt at defining “racialized”.
Theme music is Escaping like Indiana Jones by Komiku, with permission.
this is the painting Susinn commissioned KJ to replicate