169. English Corner
/We recorded our record 169th episode on the anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima, and noting that fact led us to a conversation about the effects of nuclear bombing, levels of background radiation in several places, and the degree to which those effects are widely understood. But somehow we still managed to get to discussing the proposed Enhanced Games, the English Corner, and KJ’s very clever approach to an audition for a part in an animated series. After discussing another of PJ’s YouTube pastimes (“Vice Grip Garage”), RJ also proposes a rock solid theory on who drives which flavours of vintage North American cars. We look forward to responses from those of our audience that feel they fit the theory…or don’t. Get listening and start writing!
Care for an idiom, anyone?
Links: Shooting in Clinton Park; English Corner; the Enhanced Games: official website and Wikipedia article; the demise of Gawker; Vice Grip Garage; OEM parts; beater sounds; why Hiroshima was not like Chernobyl; radon in BC.
Theme music is Escaping like Indiana Jones by Komiku, by permission.
KJ auditions for motion capture