149. Ronnodogs
/Another afternoon in the Shed sees your Dogs coming to grips with a veritable shintangle of words and phrases in a KJ’s Snappers session. After he showed us the ropes we got a close-up tour of the ins and outs of renouncing one’s U.S. citizenship—this might be useful info for some listeners, so you’re welcome, it’s just what we do. Finally, we also got to read Listener Mail, a regular favourite. It all adds up to a ronnogram of fun, which is quite a lot!
Pinball wizards
Links: Inside the Movieland Arcade (article from before it closed down); the new metric prefixes; renouncing U.S. citizenship; the cat’s on the roof and won’t come down.
Bonus photo: RJ’s device for using a phone for a zoom call. With Toque the dog.