136. Shed Dogs 3,2,1
/It’s that special, lovely time—the time when we hear about how this year’s Oscars program went down. We build up to it with some talk about a couple of Beatles and Steely Dan specials as well as hearing the latest from KJ on the run up to the Emmys, and on the technical marvel that is the Murphy bed he is building. Finally, RJ and PJ exchange notes on their adventures in language and travel, both today and 30 years ago. There are a lot of twists and turns here, so make sure to be safe while you listen!
That’s really great how that bass line kicks in
Links: Shed Dogs; The Beatles: Get Back; McCartney 3,2,1; the first of all the Call Me Caroline first-time-listen videos; the making of Steely Dan’s Aja.
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