119. Taste testing at the Chateau Marmite
/After a long and insistent letter writing campaign from our listening audience (there have been no letters), the Shed Dogs at last wade into the murky and roiling waters of The Great Marmite Debate. For three years now we’ve avoided this subject (it’s never come up) but at this point we felt we had no choice but to bring the full weight of our journalistic experience (we have none) to helping our faithful listening audience come to grips with the defining question - Marmite: Love it or hate it? We then remain in the Chateau to look briefly at robot lawnmowers (uncomfortably close to a brief segment on grass) and then move on to beautiful old trucks and where to get them repaired. But really this episode is all about the brewing byproduct commonly called Marmite. Clear your palates and plug in because It’s All Marmite All the Time Baby™!
See below for full credits for our amazing Marmite taste testing music, curated by PJ “Cans” Lilburn.
Somebody hates Marmite
Links: Marmite; the five basic tastes; MSG; the fun Marmite ad we discuss in the episode; 77 minutes of elevator music; Marmite ingredients; Thousand Year Eggs; organ meats; Marmite Gold Rush (cocktail); robot lawnmowers; pot customer service; 3rd Generation International Harvester Travelall (KJ’s truck); Willys.
This episode’s elevator music doing the snack preparation was provided by www.bensound.com.
Theme music by Voodoo Jazz!