125. Foosball Dogs
/This episode sees the mighty Shed Dogs preparing to break out onto the global stage at last. RJ reveals his quest to make the Canadian Senior Foosball team and represent Canada at the ITSF World Cup next year, while KJ prepares to jet off to the Big Apple on someone else’s dime to help represent Schmigadoon! at the Screen Actors Guild nomination process. We get another round of fun listener mail, and RJ makes a compelling pitch to one-up those Tesla owners by donating to a charity dedicated to reducing global carbon emissions. Meanwhile PJ continues to pitch dubious get rich quick schemes…
Team Canada has the red unis next year
Links: Speed limiter; Foosball World Cup; World Cup play from 2019; cheap foosball tables (not recommended); it looks like Costco tables are of a higher standard—RJ offers his apologies to Costco and Costco table owners); tournament quality tables are best and can be viewed (and purchased) here (contact us for a discount code); Cam and Jordan on Shed Dogs: part one and part two; Schmigadoon! on Apple TV+; SAG Awards; Lucy’s short; will there be a second season of Schmigadoon!?; New York City tourism; The Tyee on the 2021 federal election recast with proportional representation; rubber boa in BC; The Coalition for Rainforest Nations; click here to donate to the Coalition, achieving a surprisingly high reduction in atmospheric carbon, and get a Canadian tax receipt; meteor crashes onto pillow! (watch the video to learn the odds); Patrón tequila.
Theme music by Voodoo Jazz!