88. Dog and cattychism

We cover how negative oil prices can even exist, consider whether to go back to work as high priced COBOL consultants, and speculate about what’s happening with all the traffic. I mean that's our regular fare, right? Then, in a burst of inspiration, RJ asks KJ about his experiences as a young Catholic in a small town. We learn a lot, have some fun, and understand more about where we’re from. I mean where else will you hear about throwing devil's horns during a funeral service?

Links: This episode on YouTube; the Planet Money episode on negative oil prices; Cushing, OK (the Pipeline Crossroads of the World); the Catholic Church; the Vatican II (a.k.a. the Second Vatican Council); Ol’ Man River from Show Boat; The Liar Tweets Tonight (video).

This all will make sense by the end of the episode