86. Dogs Attack!
/This power packed episode sees your favourite Shed Dogs lurching grimly from politics to the pandemic until suddenly RJ lights up the day with...collector cards?! Not only do you get away from humdrum topics of the day but you can get involved and even (hold onto yourself here) win a prize! A real prize with actual monetary value, brought forward intact from the late ‘80s! If that’s not a pleasant distraction we don’t know what is, and you can thank us later. Enjoy your gum! Bonus: KJ’s opportunity to become a town crier (true story).
And the Dogs sang on
Links: This episode on YouTube; Why baseball trading cards lost much of their value; Dinosaurs Attack!; six uses for old trading card gum; buy Dinosaurs Attacks! cards on eBay; Psychology Today on why people support Trump despite his relentless narcissism; your billionaire dollars at work; KJ was offered a town crier job.