79. Should Dogs have lady doctors?
/The dogs spend some time discussing COVID-19, because they believe you haven’t heard enough on the topic. Just a sec… ah… AHCHOO! Excuse us, we’ll be sure to sneeze into our elbows next time. Please, have another nacho. Other topics: Lynn Beyak goes toxic on residential schools, fun jokes for strangers, The Masked Singer, PJ is run ragged chasing the shuttlecock, and a shuttle tale or two to round out another eclectic podcast. Enjoy the show!
The dogs photo bomb more than one issue at a time.
Links: Posterior vitreous detachment; BC’s College of Physicians and Surgeons weighs in on the one issue at a time policy; shingles vaccine; Canada’s info page on COVID-19; Visit Vietnam!; Lynn Beyak feels we white folks know best for the indigenous people of Canada; The Masked Singer.