74. Lotta Dogmanova
/The Dogs grew up hearing radio ads for the Unitarian Service of Canada, as well as a lot of other radio and TV commercials. We’re looking for help identifying a couple of them in this episode. We’re happy to read a lot of listener mail, and are fascinated to learn that Joni didn't write “Twisted” and “Centerpiece”; nonetheless we’d like to hear the old Red Cross TV spot once more. We acknowledge our Boomerosity and reveal Google Trekker, but just can’t find those old videos. Dirty darn!
Links: OK Boomer; Linda Nagai, photographer, Google Trekker; Lotta Hitschmanova; Lambert, Hendricks & Ross; Stockholm Syndrome, and as a bonus, Helsinki, London, and Lima Syndromes.
Busking at Unitarian World Headquarters