37. Our own private Idahoes
/Hey, if a potato becomes potatoes, then an Idaho becomes Idahoes.
Here the Shed Dogs describe their Dream Islands! Along with their resulting reflections on the nature of humanity, they relentlessly mow down the myth of International Trade Balances, the bitter truth about Rewards Programs, and some of the reasons government budgets are doubtful at best. Bonus: RJ confuses and even obfuscates Objectivism with Libertarianism. KJ rejects finances and opines and pines for a world in which people barter with and support each other through the generations. PJ says we’re just pack hunters, looking to improve our status. Womp womp.
Links: The dark side of rewards programs; full disclosure of price; Ayn Rand; pack hunters (including humans); balance of trade
The Dogs in 1981 at their house at the corner of Payne and Suffering in Vancouver. Featuring KJ’s and RJ’s spirit islands, and PJ’s spirit animals, in a pack.