33. Chromer fixes up the joint
/The Dogs become Shed Unicorns Unchained! as they review renovations so perfect they are unseen, dog coats of arms, It’s a New Car!!!, chilling adventures, outlaw kings, and laying down the law about reverse turns.

Shed Dogs. A podcast wherein we discuss things that matter to three old guys who should have better things to do. Featuring Kevin J McNulty, Patrick J Lilburn, and Richard J Tench. It's like watching the ocean from the shore.
For most episodes theme music is Escaping like Indiana Jones by Komiku, with permission. For other episodes theme music is by Voodoo Jazz, with permission.
The Dogs become Shed Unicorns Unchained! as they review renovations so perfect they are unseen, dog coats of arms, It’s a New Car!!!, chilling adventures, outlaw kings, and laying down the law about reverse turns.
Modern UK coat of arms, the Scotland edition